Restoration and increased
floor space within heritage
building, Darlinghurst
SHED Architects and NBRS and Partners developed plans for the restoration and additions to an existing five storey heritage building on a 480m2 corner site. The building’s heritage assets included both external and internal elements. Working within the general building envelope the project increased the gross floor area of the building from 1,990m2 to 2,376.5m2 and incorporated a new commercial premises in the basement and a new mezzanine and roof with perimeter balconies. Planning Ingenuity in collaboration with SHED Architects prepared a View Impact Analysis to demonstrate the minimal impacts on the neighbouring residential flat building. Iconic view elements included Sydney Harbour, the Finger Wharf, Rushcutters Bay and the Sydney Cricket Ground. The proposal also achieved laneway activation and has the potential for partial closure of the laneway to create a pedestrian and cycle link and outdoor dining space.